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rue girls don't really like missing out on fun, that is just a known fact. so we found it imperative that we go to Hitched, the most bomb event of the year! yeah, so i am not getting married anytime soon, but all the vendors table setups and beautiful showcases gave me some pretty awesome ideas for when that day comes. plus, the flashdance was spinnin sweet sounds and there was confetti falling from the sky, so it wasn't all about the 'happily ever after.'

rue magazine had it's own little groom's lounge set up, with bow tie lessons, a pinball machine, haircuts, whiskey drinks and more whiskey drinks.

i have an album full of my favorite moments of the night if your heart desires more hitched goodness! here it is.

oh, and thank you lauren moffatt for that beauty of a dress, i never wanted to take that blue baby off! and those poufs on my head from none other than ban.do!

photos by amelia lyon and erin hearts court


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