photo by arian soheili

i had such an overwhelming amount of support when i took my leap from a stable job to freelance only. it was scary and there were definitely a few moments where i said to myself, "bri, are you an idiot?" the first week i woke up everyday with this strange feeling in my stomach. maybe it was anxiety, or who knows maybe i was just hungry. i had been so used to waking up early and working on freelance projects and then rushing off to my day job with my hair a mess and no breakfast, so it has taken me some getting used to. it has been nice teaching myself to slow down.

it is now the third week i think? today was the first day that i just woke up and i could breathe easily and know that everything was going to be okay. (i know this sounds a bit weird, but i know there are lots of people out there dying to make the same leap and i am sure they want to know how it all feels) so this morning i invented some sort of whack but delicious egg scramble for my boyfriend and i, made coffee and just relaxed on the porch. why do i need to check my emails the very second i wake up? i don't! at first i thought this freelance thing was stressful and always a hustle, but it's really not. some mornings you might not even have to work at all if you plan out your week right!

so i guess i just wanted to say, i am slowly getting the hang of things. and that feels really really good.


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