S T Y L E / 0 1

photos by angela + ithyle

over the next few weeks i will be posting outfits from my closet, in hopes to inspire new wardrobe ideas for you. all of the photos were taken in my new home for this brand new column (hooray!) - twice a week, a new occasion every time.

if you are anything like me, you have certain months of style dry spell. you know, where you stare inside your closet (for long periods of time) and sort of hate everything you see and so desperately want to start all over again? and then you go through (sometimes terrible) phases to try to find your style again. i felt myself slipping into that rut, and decided to get creative with my wardrobe and re-like some of my favorite things, and experiment wearing them in different ways. so welcome to the experiment. enjoy!

and as far as style goes, i couldn't agree more with this quote...
" i say, if you feel good at what your doing, let your freak flag fly. " - sarah jessica parker


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