i have a little announcement of sorts! i get a lot of people asking me about photoshop. 'bri, we want to make our blog look cooooool.' 'bri, i want to put type on my posts like you do, how do i DO that?' in the end, what makes blogs interesting? original content, right? even if it is putting together found photos in a unique way. are you still with me here?

SO! i am teaming up with angela kohler (her and her fiance ithyle made these super awesome stop motion kindle commercials, you must have seen them) and we are here to teach you PHOTOSHOP! we have put together a whole lesson plan, and brainstormed fun ideas for our class! you wanna hear what we are thinking?

  • 2 day class on a Saturday and Sunday 8-6pm in Downtown Los Angeles on the tentative dates May 7-8.
  • super small classes for individual attention (15-20 people)
  • see those pictures above? that's angela's loft and where we will be having the class. the space is pretty unbelievable and that's where they created the kindle commercials!
  • the first day you will learn basic photoshop techniques like how to put text on your photos, adjust color, how to make your blog posts unique with layouts and much more!
  • angela will shoot your very own fancy studio portrait. so you are now not only learning photoshop, you are kind of a famous model too.
  • you will learn basic retouching skills using your own fancy portrait. do you have a zit on your forehead and really want to learn how to magically erase it? no problemo! we can teach you virtual proactive!
  • after that we will dive into mood boards, textures, borders and all of that fun stuff.
  • so you want to know, 'bri, how much is this all gonna cost me!' the cost of the classes will be $750, but the first session at the beginning of May, we are offering for a special price of $550. it's time to invest in your business and build your blog into something that you are proud of!

we are gonna end it all with fun! well, we plan on having fun the whole entire time, but we are gonna end it with a fun photo booth session. since she has one built in her loft! (and you will get to keep your digital photos) you will also take away a bag of goodies. but we can't give away all the surprises, because then it just simply isn't a surprise.

so here is where you come in! we want to know what YOU want to learn!

if this is exactly what you are looking for and just know you want to be a part of this, email angelakohler@me.com with the subject line: BLOGSHOP and we will start a list for our first class! it will be first come, first serve. jump on board and spread to word! we can't wait to get all geeky with you. email for questions/more details!


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